International day of Women and Girls in STEM

Today marks the 8th International day of Women and Girls in STEM which is celebrated under the theme IDEAS (Innovate, Demonstrate, Elevate, Advance, Sustain).
#WomenInSTEM #GirlsInSTEM
In Celebration of Women and Girls in STEM and Astronomy we would love to have women and girls be part of our  #WomenInSTEM series.
Please share your stories (short videos and flyers) to be featured  on our website and socials. Your short stories should include:
1. Names and Photo
2. STEM / Astronomy career path
3. Institution
4. Why pursue STEM career
5. Message for other young ladies interested in STEM & Astronomy
6. Hobbies
Submit your stories to our email:


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Join us tomorrow (4th November) at the BIUST MPH from 9 AM to 12 PM to learn more about Astronomy, Space Science and Planetary Science in Africa and the available career (studies, jobs) opportunities.

Inspiring girls to skyrocket beyond the stars

Women in STEM-BW (WiS) is facilitating a STEM & SPACE Workshop for Young Girls with BIUST GEMS-GIRLS MENTORING PROGRAM. This workshop is taking place in BIUST from the 8th to 12th August, and is hosting 46 young girls from 6 different secondary schools across Botswana which are Matsha College, Swaneng Hill, Shakawe Senior Secondary School, Mahupu Unified School, Tsabong Unified School, Ghanzi Senior Secondary School and Maun Senior Secondary School.

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Students engaging in various activities during the workshop

Women In STEM BW (WiS) in partnership with African Science Stars and Botswana International University of Science and Technology will be Hosting the African Science Stars Citizen Journalism workshop

African Science Stars Citizen Journalism Workshop

We saw it as an ideal opportunity to give the youth, science and astronomy students and those interested in writting/journalism a brief introduction to the basics of science journalism. This will be a two hour session which aims at giving the attendees a space to practice writting for  Arican Science Stars and an opportunity for them to expand and practice their journalism and writting skills.



Anual Conference with AfAS

AfAS conference

AfAS 2022 conference – registration and abstract submission
The closing date for the submission of the abstracts is 10 January 2022.
AfAS Annual Conference and General Assembly will be held as a hybrid event from the 14th to 18th
March 2022. The in-person meeting will take place at the South African Astronomical Observatory
(SAAO) in Cape Town, South Africa, if covid restrictions allow.
Call for abstracts for

1) Scientific
2) Education, Development, and Outreach

Registration for the 2022 AfAS Annual Conference and General Assembly is now open, at:

All Girls Launch Prize

Compliments of the new season to all Space, STEM and Astronomy lovers and community!

all girls ;aunch prize
WiS, Starlight Education and ISSET brings you an all girls launch prize competition. Don’t miss out on the opportunity Of learning from the NASA Women Crew as you design a project to be launched on the ISS.🚀🛰️🛸📡🔭

Don’t miss out on this exciting moment of growth:

Contact us at to assist you with the process of registering and becoming a part of the competition.

THE 5th AFRICAN SPACE GENERATION WORKSHOP  5th-African-space-generation-network

“Building a Self-Sustaining African Space Sector”

Hybrid | Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa.
26th – 27th November 2021

space generation workshop

What is the 5th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW)?

The 5th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) is a two-day hybrid workshop, which brings together students, young professionals, industry experts and government stakeholders from across the African continent. It provides an unparalleled opportunity for the future leaders of Africa’s space sector to proactively establish strong relationships, exchange ideas and knowledge, and to collaborate on novel ways in which space technology can be utilised for the benefit of Africa. The 5th AF-SGW will be held as a hybrid event from the 26th to the 27th of November 2021 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The theme for this workshop is ‘Building a Self-Sustaining African Space Sector’ and participants will be divided into working groups (WGs), each focusing on a specific sub-theme broadly covering Technology, Entrepreneurship, Policy and Capacity Building.

The AF-SGW will be held the weekend prior to the 1st IAA African Symposium on Small Satellites, which will be held from the 29th of November to 2nd of December 2021 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Click here for more information:

Who should attend?

We invite students and young professionals between the ages of 18 to 35 years old (as of November, 2021) who are residents/ whose country of citizenship is in Africa and who are passionate about the space industry to apply to be a part of the delegation. Past delegates have attended from all around Africa and from a wide variety of disciplines (engineering, business, science, arts, medicine and law). We also encourage space enthusiasts from across the world to participate in this event.

What is my Role at the 5th AF-SGW?

By attending the African Space Generation Workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn, share knowledge and network with fellow students and young professionals in the industry, and meet the industry’s leaders and experts. All discussions from the working groups are expected to produce recommendations to relevant public, private, and non-governmental sectors, helping to shape the future of the African space industry. Reports and recommendations from the workshop will be presented at high-level conferences and included in the SGAC annual report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).

For more information  about the event click:

#sgac #afsgw21 #space #africa #sdg