

As Women in STEM(WiS) Botswana. We Seek to empower Women in STEM fields (physics, mathematics,engineering, computer science, communication, geology and astronomy) Tthat are building into the space sector in Botswana. Therefore converting them into space science skillset equiped manpower; that is ready for the square kilometer array and african VLBI network projects, human resource requirements and opportunities.

We also aspire to encourage foster collaboration between genders to partner and collaborate on project development in STEM through research and enterpreneurship. This will lead to an increased application of technical skill(Space Science and STEM fields) in the society,academic and business industries only on project completion and fullfullment. This is the intended impact of our mission as an organisation.


To be transformational and leading organisation in the dispensation of space science and STEM tools and knowledge for pioneering and building the space sector and industry foundation in Botswana.


  1. To address the shortage of human resources and manpower, through empowerment particularly for women in space science STEM fields that are particularly contributing to building the space sector foundation in Botswana.
  2. To develop towards building space science and STEM manpower for the square kilometer array and african VLBI network national and global projects Botswana partakes that will need to absorb the market we are building by the year 2025.
  3. To offer space science STEM fields’ knowledge, information and education tothe nation, while recruiting, empowering and impacting more women at a ratio of 40:60 males to females.
  4. To develop and foster research and development enterpreneuership skills and collaborations in the space and STEM amongst both genders in the nation.